The Ohio Valley Resonator

Our Free Newsletter Alerting Citizens of Man Made Seismic Activity

When a BOOM or a SHAKE is reported, OVR will take a screenshot of each seismometer in the network along with a good .sac file of the time the incident reportedly happened. These will be published in the Resonator as soon as possible. Subscribers to the Resonator will receive this info that they can download into their Jamaseis program to calculate the epicenter. It is hopeful that students, teachers, home owners, air breathers along with professional seismologists will subscribe. Everyone is welcome.

The results will be printed in a later issue.

Sample below


A free newsletter alerting the Ohio Valley public of man made seismic activity.

Incident Report 3/2/23

Not Real: For Demo Purpose

On 3/12/20, 6 residents in Brookfield reported hearing BOOMS, and 2 said their homes shook. Each was advised to report it to the state so it will be counted by the state. If no one reports them to the State of Ohio, it never happened.

Reported time of incident: 2:40pm local

Assumed location: Brookfield area.

OVVIT Helicorder
OVVIT Helicorder
OVHUT Helicorder
OVHUT Helicorder

All 5 Stations Will Be Posted!

This section will be used to report findings on previous incident reports and special projects.